Required Training Matrix

Note: Training topics marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Topic Reference Training Frequency Training Format Affected Employees
* Accident Investigations Title 8 CCR §3203 (a) 7 (F) Initial Classroom Supervisors and Accident Investigators
Acetylene and Fuel Gas Safety Title 8 CCR §1740 (K) (1) Initial Classroom Users
* AHERA Asbestos Class III Work Title 8 CCR §1529, §5208 Initial and annually 16 Hours Classroom and Hands-on M&O who disturb Asbestos Containing Material (ACM)
* Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (Lead) 40 CFR Part 745, Title 8 CCR §5198 EPA requires that firms performing renovation, repair, and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in pre-1978 homes, childcare facilities and schools be certified by EPA and use certified renovators trained by EPA-approved training providers to follow lead-safe work practices. Certification is an 8-hour training course. Classroom/Hands-on All affected employees
* AHERA Asbestos Awareness Class IV Work Title 8 CCR §1529; 40 CFR part 763, subpart E Initial and annually 2 Hours Classroom M&O, Grounds, Custodial, Mechanics, Technology
Back Safety Risk Management Practices Recommended annually Classroom Potentially All Employees
* Bloodborne Pathogens Title 8 CCR §5193 Training is required when program is started. Annual refresher required. Classroom All employees with potential occupational exposure to BBP
* Aerosol Transmissible Diseases Title 8 CCR §5199 Initial and annual Classroom/Hands-on Employees with occupational exposure to ATDs.
* COVID-19 Prevention Title 8 CCR §3205 Initial. Annual recommended. Classroom All employees
* Chemical Hygiene Plan (lab safety) Title 8 CCR §5191 Initial. Annual recommended Classroom Employees working in a chemical lab
Driving Safety NA Annual recommended Classroom/Hands-on Employees that operate vehicles on district business
Elevating Work Platforms Title 8 CCR- §3642, §3646 Initial and as needed Tailgate/Hands-on M&O, Grounds, Theatrical, Custodial
* Emergency Action Plan/Evacuation Drill Title 8 CCR §3220 Initial. Annual recommended Classroom, Hands-on All employees
* Emergency Operations Title 8 CCR §3220 Initial and recommended annually Classroom All employees
* Fall Protection Title 8 CCR §3210, §1670 Initial. Annual recommended Classroom, Hands-on M&O and employees working on elevated unguarded surfaces ≥ 4 feet off the ground
* Fire Extinguishers Title 8 CCR §6151, §3221 Initial and annual Classroom/Hands-on Employees designated to use fire extinguishers
* Fire Prevention Plan Title 8 CCR §3221 Initial and recommended annually Classroom All employees
First Aid and CPR Title 8 CCR §3439, §3400 2 years Classroom, Hands-on Assigned employees and Supervisors
* Hazard Communication/Globally Harmonized System (GHS) Title 8 CCR §5194 Training is required upon initial assignment and whenever a new hazard (new chemical or process) is introduced into the work area. Annual refresher is not required, but is recommended. Classroom All employees with potential occupational exposure to hazardous substances and chemicals (M&O, custodial, grounds)
* Hazardous Waste Management Title 8 CCR §5164, §5194, Title 22, Div. 4.5, Chapter 11 Initial and annual Classroom Employees responsible for hazardous waste management
* Heat Illness Prevention Title 8 CCR §3395 & §3396 Initial. Training is required prior to working in an environment that may result in a heat illness exposure. Tailgate/Classroom Supervisors and all affected employees in outdoor & indoor places of employment
* IIPP Title 8 CCR §3203 Training is required upon initial assignment; when a new hazard is introduced; or when an employee is reassigned. Classroom All employees
Ladder Safety Title 8 CCR §3276, §3277 Initial and as needed Tailgate/Hands-on Employees using fixed industrial or portable ladders
* Lead Title 8 CCR §5198 & §1532.1 Initial and Annual required. Classroom Employees exposed at or above the Action Level.
* Lockout/Tagout Title 8 CCR §3314 Initial. Annual inspection required. Classroom M&O, Custodial, Affected Employees
Office Safety Title 8 CCR §3203 Initial. Annual recommended Classroom Clerical/financial, Office Personnel
* Permit-Required Confined Spaces Title 8 CCR 5157 Initial. Annual recommended Classroom, Hands-on Authorized entrants and affected employees
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Title 8 CCR 3380 (c) Training is required upon initial assignment. Tailgate All employees who use PPE
Pesticide Handling Title 8 CCR 5194 Initial. Annual recommended Classroom/Hands-On Grounds, Custodial
* Pesticide Safety Healthy Schools Act Healthy Schools Act Initial and annual required Online, Classroom Staff, Teachers, Grounds, Custodial
Powered Industrial Trucks (i.e., forklift) Title 8 CCR §3664 Training required prior to operation of equipment. Refresher training is required as needed. Hands-on All employees who operate forklifts
Powered Platforms Title 8 CCR §3298(a), §3296 Initial Classroom/Hands-On M&O, Grounds, Warehouse
* Repetitive Motion Injuries (RMIs) Title 8 CCR §5110 Required when at least two employees performing similar tasks at the same worksite have been diagnosed with repetitive motion injuries within 12 consecutive months. Classroom. Worksite evaluation and control of exposures required upon triggering event. All affected employees
* Respiratory Protection Title 8 CCR §5144 Medical clearance, training, and fit testing are required prior to the use of a respirator. Annual training required. Classroom/Hands-On All employees who are required to use a respirator
Welding and Cutting Safety-Hot Work Title 8 CCR 4799, 4848(a), 1537(a) Initial Classroom/Hands-On Welders and Fire Watchers
Wildfires Title 8 CCR §5141.1 (e) Title 8 CCR 5097, 5098, 5099 Initial Classroom Employees in wildfire regions
*Workplace Violence Prevention Plan Labor Code §6401.9 Initial and Annual required Classroom All employees
* Hearing Conservation Title 8 CCR 5097, 5098, 5099 Initial and annual. Required if employee noise exposures equals or exceeds an 8-hour time weighted average sound level of 85 decibels or above. Classroom. Annual audiometric testing required for affected employees. All affected employees